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Sunday, October 12, 2008

How to Remove m88coaim.exe

PSW.OnLineGames.NMY is a trojan that spreads by copying itself to removable drives.

Manual Removal:

Note: Please do not run the file because it will infect your drives and other removable drives attached

1. Start > Run then type cmd press ENTER

2. Select the virus affected drive X:

3. Type the following command to see the content of the drive


4. Then remove all attributes of the unwanted files

attrib -r -a -s -h *.* /s /d
del /a /f X:\m88coaim.exe
del /a /f X:\autorun.inf

Note: X: is the drive that is infected with the malware

5. Type DIR again to check the content of the drive and to check if the malware still exist

6. If you see some .exe files and an autorun.inf

7. Just delete this files or delete it using an anti virus program