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Sunday, October 12, 2008

Enable a Hidden Folder Options

Some malware (malicious software) intentionally disable or hide Folder Options to prevent users from deleting files related to it.

Enable Hidden Folder Option with Registry Editor :

To show/enable hidden Folfer Options please do the following:

1. Click on the Start > Run

2. Type “regedit” on the field and click on OK.

3. Navigate to:


4. In the right pane, delete the entry “NoFolderOption”.

5. If “NoFolderOption” is visible:

6. Right click on the right pane

7. Click New > DWORD Value

8. Name it “NoFolderOption” (without the quotes)

9. Set the value to 0 (zero) or double click on the “NoFolderOption” type 0 at “Value data” field

10. You may reboot your computer to see the effect of this registry modification.

If the procedure above does not work try this one:


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Save this file as with a .reg extension. Once finish saving the file right click
and select merge.

Restart your PC.