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welcome text --- Nam sed nisl justo. Duis ornare nulla at lectus varius sodales quis non eros. Proin sollicitudin tincidunt augue eu pharetra. Nulla nec magna mi, eget volutpat augue. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Integer tincidunt iaculis risus, non placerat arcu molestie in.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Enable a Hidden Folder Options

Some malware (malicious software) intentionally disable or hide Folder Options to prevent users from deleting files related to it.

Enable Hidden Folder Option with Registry Editor :

To show/enable hidden Folfer Options please do the following:

1. Click on the Start > Run

2. Type “regedit” on the field and click on OK.

3. Navigate to:


4. In the right pane, delete the entry “NoFolderOption”.

5. If “NoFolderOption” is visible:

6. Right click on the right pane

7. Click New > DWORD Value

8. Name it “NoFolderOption” (without the quotes)

9. Set the value to 0 (zero) or double click on the “NoFolderOption” type 0 at “Value data” field

10. You may reboot your computer to see the effect of this registry modification.

If the procedure above does not work try this one:


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Save this file as with a .reg extension. Once finish saving the file right click
and select merge.

Restart your PC.
How to Remove m88coaim.exe

PSW.OnLineGames.NMY is a trojan that spreads by copying itself to removable drives.

Manual Removal:

Note: Please do not run the file because it will infect your drives and other removable drives attached

1. Start > Run then type cmd press ENTER

2. Select the virus affected drive X:

3. Type the following command to see the content of the drive


4. Then remove all attributes of the unwanted files

attrib -r -a -s -h *.* /s /d
del /a /f X:\m88coaim.exe
del /a /f X:\autorun.inf

Note: X: is the drive that is infected with the malware

5. Type DIR again to check the content of the drive and to check if the malware still exist

6. If you see some .exe files and an autorun.inf

7. Just delete this files or delete it using an anti virus program

Now Control Ur Computer Through Ur Voice..

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Voice and Speech Recognition

An easy software solution to enable you to control your computer, dictate emails and letters, and have the computer read documents back to you.

10 Reasons for Trying
e-Speaking's Software

1. Free Download of software
2. Over 100 commands built-in
3. Ability to add more commands
4. Runs in Windows2000 and WindowsXP
5. Small file size
6. Utilizes latest technologies from Microsoft
7. Seamlesly integrate with Office
8. Voice commands of Mouse events
9. Based on SAPI and .NET technologies
10. Easy to Use

What Is It?
Command and control your Window's computer through your voice. Operate your computer using a minimum of keystrokes or mouse clicks. If you want to move the cursor down one line, simply say: Down One. Want to check your emails? Simply say: Open Email. Add commands to open and control any Window's document or program.

What is Speech Recognition? What is Voice Recognition?]
These are exciting technologies that change the way you interact with your computer. Now you can speak to your computer and it can speak back. The speech that you and your computer exchange is scripted. In other words, you can't just ask your computer how he/she is feeling? Rather, you can talk to your computer using a set of pre-defined commands and instructions (i.e., a script). Your computer will respond in the same way (also using a scripted language). For example, you can say: "File Open", and the computer would respond: "Select the file". Or you can say: "Edit Find" and the computer would ask: "Find What?".

Why speak to your computer?
People have been speaking to each other for tens of thousands of years. Our brains have evolved to perform a fantastic and complex set of analyses of auditory input (i.e., sounds). Our brains convert the sounds we hear into conceptual ideas and thoughts which in turn form the basis of instructions, commands, information, and entertainment. Though the computer is just beginning its evolution in this area, most computers are capable of hearing your speech and acting on it. This is the promise of voice recognition technology today. Using speech to interact with your computer--both you speaking to your computer and your computer speaking back.

How Does It Work?
Utilizing Microsoft's Speech Application Program Interface (SAPI) and Microsoft's .NET Framework, we have developed a very small and efficient voice command and recognition application. SAPI and .NET are both required to use this software.

Dictation as Well?
Voice Dictation is integrated into the e-Speaking application including 26 different Dictation Voice Commands.

Why e-Speaking?
Our intent in developing this product was to suppliment your ability to command and control your computer through your voice. To enable you to have access to dictation software using Microsoft's SAPI speech engine. And to allow the computer to read documents and emails to you.

How Expensive is It?
It is Shareware. That means: You can download it and try it out for 30 days to see if you like it. The 30 day trial period is Free! That's right. You can download it with over 100 built-in commands and begin using it today at no cost. If you really like the program and want to use it beyond the first 30 days, the cost is $14.

Users Guide?
Access the on-line user's guide.
What is Speech Recognition?

Speech Recognition is a technology that allows the computer to identify and understand words spoken by a person using a microphone or telephone. The ultimate goal of the technology is to be able to produce a system that can recognize with 100% accuracy all words that are spoken by any person.

Even after years of research in this area, the best speech recognition software applications still cannot recognize speech with 100% accuracy. Some applications are able to recognize over 90% of words when spoken under specific constraints regarding content and previous training to recognize the speaker's speech characteristics.

Computer software that understands your speech enables you to have conversations with the computer. These conversations would include you and the computer speaking as commands or in response to events, input, or other feedback.

Speaking is easier and more intuitive than selecting buttons and menu items. Human speech has evolved over many thousands of years to become an efficient method of sharing information and giving instructions.

You can download this from e-speaking

Airtel Free SmS

a. Firstly activate the free SMS on your Airtel & than you'll get 400 A2A free SMS. Now deactivate this service after 7 days & then again restart this on very next day. You'll get 1200 free SMS A2A.
b. Other trick is that go to Message Setting -> Text Message -> Profile Setting & than change Message Centre Number to +9810051905. Remember this FREE SMS centre number works on Few Airtel numbers only. Enjoy free SMSing...
Free MMS
Airtel live activated SIM. Go to Message Setting - MMS Setting & than change APN Address or I.P SERVER Address from airtelmms.com to airtelfun.com. If MMS sending failed than dial this CODE - *#1921135518# dial this will make to sending FREE your MMS. Enjoy free MMSing....

Create Own Fonts without any software

1. Click "Start"
2. Click "Run"
3. Type in "eudcedit"
4. The program that pops up is a hidden font editor that lets you create your own fonts and characters to use in other programs like MS Word

Dont worry about your lost mobile

An IMEI number-The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number is an international identity number used to uniquely identify a mobile phone. The 15-digit IMEI number is an electronic fingerprint transmitted every time a phone is used, which reveals the identity of the mobile handset.

How can I find out my IMEI number? IMEI numbers are independent of the phone number and are usually written underneath the battery or on the back of the handset. Mobile phone users can also check their 15 digit IMEI number by dialling *#06# on their mobile handset. Mobile phone owners should make a note of their IMEI number and keep the details in a safe place.

If u lost your mobile, send an e-mail to cop@vsnl.net with the following info.
Your name:
Phone model:
Last used No.:
E-mail for communication:
Missed date:

"No need to go to police station"

Check your Mobile is Orginal or not


Would like to know your mobile is original or not?!!

Type # 6 0 # *

After you enter the code you will see a new code contain 15 digits:

43 4 5 6 6 1 0 6 7 8 9 4 3 5

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 02 or 20 that mean it was Assembly on Emirates which is very Bad quality Sad

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 08 or 80 that mean it¢s manufactured in Germany which is not bad

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 01 or 10 that mean it¢s manufactured in Finland which is Good

IF the digit number Seven & Eight is 00 that mean it¢s manufactured in France which is the best Mobile Quality ...

Try it..................

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FlashOrkutPix.blogspot.com : Click Here To Send Flash Greetings To Your Friends


Thursday, September 4, 2008


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