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What Is Entrepreneurship?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What is entrepreneurship? It is not just starting a business. It is not just timing. It is not just instinct. It is a lot more.
The most simple definition of entrepreneurship is an individual�that organizes, operates, and�takes on the�risks of a business. Of course, there is also social entrepreneurship, where one takes on the risk of a social organization or charity.
But does it really end there? The study of entrepreneurship has grown exponentially over there years, from a simple definition, to journals and magazines. In fact, the Entrepreneur magazine is readily available and read by thousands.
If you want to get in touch with what it means to be an entrepreneur, you should read that magazine and peruse this site. My articles and those of fellow entrepreneurs across this community provide great resources to learning exactly what is entrepreneurship.
So what is entrepreneurship? What is an entrepreneur? Well, if you really want to figure it out, you need to get down and dirty and learn for yourself! And you have started at the right place!
Entrepreneur and self made man. Johanson is a teacher, trainer, educator, and entreprenuer